
Unlock Your Comic Universe

Manage your comic book inventory, track customer preferences, and gain valuable insights—all in one place.

Our Services

Customer Management

Manage customer profiles and tailor recommendations to individual preferences for a personalized shopping experience.

Pull List Management

Automate the ordering process and keep popular titles in stock with our dynamic pull list management tool.


Get valuable insights into sales trends and customer behavior to make data-driven decisions for your store.

What is Weekly Pull List?

Weekly Pull List is more than just a web application—it's a comprehensive ecosystem designed to revolutionize the way comic book stores and their customers interact. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, we've created an intuitive, user-friendly platform that empowers customers to effortlessly manage their pull lists.

For stores, Weekly Pull List acts as a robust tool for inventory management, customer engagement, and data analytics. It's not just about making life easier; it's about enhancing the comic book shopping experience for everyone involved.

Get Started
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Take control of your comic book retail experience.

Register your store now and unlock the full potential of Weekly Pull List!

Register Now

Key Features for Stores

Quick and Secure Registration

Get started in minutes! Sign up and await speedy approval from a Weekly Pull List admin. Your shop's portal will be active and ready for business as soon as you're approved.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Your command center for customer relations. View pending requests, top spending customers, and best-performing products. Monitor, analyze, and adjust strategies at a single glance.

Easy Customer Onboarding

Adding a new customer is as simple as filling out a form. They get an invite, create their password, and become an active member able to fully use the Weekly Pull List web app.

Efficient Pull List Management

With our user-friendly design, use intuitive tables to manage your customers' pull lists. Effortlessly mark products as retrieved, modify pull lists, or remove inactive customers with a single click.